Softskill: Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer Task 2

Tips Bermain PUBG untuk Gamer Pemula

JAKARTA - Game PlayerUnknown’s Battleground (PUBG) menyedot perhatian yang cukup tinggi di kalangan para gamer mobile. Tidak aneh bila game tersebut kini banyak digandrungi para gamer di seluruh dunia.
Berikut ini tips bermain PUBG untuk para gamer pemula, yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber.

Konfigurasi Kontrol
Gamer perlu memastikan konfigurasi kontrol telah tepat untuk mengendalikan karakter. Atur konfigurasi kontrol yagn sesuai dengan kebiasaan atau sesuai dengan yang diinginkan, sehingga memudahkan pengguna ketika berada di medan permainan.
Kuasai Cara Mengendalikan Karakter
Hal yang terpenting ketika bermain PUBG atau game-game bertema battle royale ialah pengguna harus dapat menguasai cara mengendalikan karakter, terutama untuk para pemula. Bila terbiasa bermain game first person shooter, mungkin gamer tidak terlalu kesulitan saat bermain game survival tersebut.

Bawa Perlengkapan
Saat pengguna bermain PUBG di awal-awal waktu, karakter tidak langsung dilengkapi dengan berbagai perlengkapan. Gamer perlu untuk mencari perlengkapan seperti senjata atau peralatan lainnya di gedung atau bangunan. Semakin lengkap perlengkapan, maka karakter bisa semakin kuat ketika berhadapan dengan musuh.
Bergerak Secepat Mungkin
Peta di dalam permainan PUBG sangat luas dan terdiri dari bangunan atau pepohonan. Pastikan gamer bergerak cepat bila hendak mencari perlindungan dari serangan musuh dan periksa keadaan sebelum masuk ke dalam gedung.
Perhatikan Lingkaran Pembatas
Pada game PUBG, terdapat lingkaran putih yang menandakan area permainan. Lalu ada lingkaran biru yang menjadi pembatas agar gamer tidak keluar dari area itu. Manfaatkan pergeseran lingkaran sebagai bagian dari strategi untuk bisa memprediksi musuh serta menyiapkan jebakan untuk mereka.

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Tips for Novice Gamers PUBG Play

JAKARTA-Game Playerunknown’s Battleground (PUBG) suck up high enough attention among the mobile gamers. Not strange when the game is now much loved gamers around the world. The following tips play PUBG for novice gamers, which are summarized from different sources.

Configuration Control
Gamers need to ensure configuration control has the right to control the characters. Set the desired 
control configuration in accordance with custom or as desired, making it easier for the user when it is in the game. 
Master how to control character
Is the most important when playing PUBG themed games or battle royale is a user should be able to master the ways of controlling the characters, especially for beginners. When the familiar game play first person shooter, gamers might not be too trouble while playing a game of survival.
Bring Supplies
When users play PUBG at early time, indirect character equipped with various equipment. Gamers need to look for supplies such as weapons or other equipment in the building or buildings. The more complete the gear, then the character can be more powerful when faced with the enemy.
Move as quickly as possible
In-game map in PUBG very wide and consists of buildings or trees. Make sure the gamers move quickly when you want to look for protection from enemy attacks and check the State before entering into the building.
Note the Circle Border
On game PUBG, there is a white circle indicating the area of the game. Then there is the blue circle that became the border so that the gamer is not out of the area. Take advantage of the shift in the circle as part of a strategy to be able to predict the enemy as well as setting up traps for them.

JAKARTA - Game PlayerUnknown's Battleground (PUBG) draws considerable attention among mobile gamers. Not strange if the game is now a lot of gamers loved around the world. Here are tips on playing PUBG for beginner gamers, which are summarized from various sources.
Control Configuration
Gamers need to make sure the control configuration is right for controlling the characters. Adjust the control configuration according to the custom or in accordance with the desired, making it easier for users when in the game field.
Master the Ways to Control the Character
The most important thing when playing PUBG or battle royale themed games is the user must be able to master the way of controlling the character, especially for beginners. When used to play first person shooter game, gamers may not be too difficult when playing the game survival.
Bring Supplies
When users play PUBG in the beginning of time, indirect characters are equipped with various fixtures. Gamers need to find equipment such as weapons or other equipment in buildings or buildings. The more complete the equipment, the characters can be stronger when dealing with the enemy.
Move as Fast as Possible
The map inside the PUBG game is very extensive and consists of buildings or trees. Make sure gamers move quickly if you want to seek protection from enemy attacks and check the situation before entering the building. Watch the Limit Circle In the PUBG game, there is a white circle indicating the game area. Then there is a blue circle that becomes a barrier so that gamers do not come out of that area. Take advantage of circular shifts as part of a strategy to be able to predict the enemy and set up a trap for them.

Watch the Limit Circle

In the PUBG game, there is a white circle indicating the game area. Then there is a blue circle that becomes a barrier so that gamers do not come out of that area. Take advantage of circular shifts as part of a strategy to be able to predict the enemy and set up a trap for them. 
Name: Fani Aristiyanti Putri
NPM: 13614913
Class: 4SA01 


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