#Softskill Komunikasi Bisnis (Individual)

Fani Aristiyanti Putri

1. How technology affects communication positively and negatively?
  • Positively
  1. Faster long distance communication: We can always keep in touch with our family or our friend that far away from us. We can share anything we want to share to them. And every time we want to see them we can do video call with them and it's make us feel like we get closer to them. And when we have a good or bad news we can tell them quickly, and they can know what the newest news about us.
  2. Social media positive influence: We can spread the world about a news that we want to tell, we can do a business, like we can sell any product that we want to sell, We can make a friend with a stranger from wherever. And for the parents, we can know what our children do and share on their social media.
  3. Make transaction easier, like we can pay utility bills or online banking. And we can book a transportation ticket or book a hotel for holiday.
  • Negatively
  1. Addicted to technology: Addiction to these technological advancements is reaching a point where people are unable to stop themselves from using it every minute of their waking time. And sometimes we are forget anything when we to addict to technology, like we forget to sleep earlier so we sleep late and then we wake up late, so we perhaps come late to school/campus/office.
  2. Health: Sometimes we forget to eat when we enjoying the technology. And make our eyes tire because we are too much staring at gadget.
  3. Sometimes we get distraction when our friend/family talk to us while we are enjoying the technology. And negatively, technology can make a family in home feels like they are stranger because they are too busy with their technology so they forget to have a family time and share everything together. Sometimes these cases make our life get worse.

2. Why listening is the most big challenge for most people?
  • Because I think most of people doesn't have ability to be a good listener for someone who talk to them, I think most of people can get distraction easier when they (the listener) are not focus and then the listener ignore the talker, actually why most of people ignore people who talk, it's because the listener doesn't get it what the talker talk about or the listener get boring because the topic is not interesting, so it depends to the people who talk/talker. 


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