
Showing posts from May, 2017

Business Communication (Application Letter and CV)

Fani Aristiyanti Putri 13614913 3SA01 1. Application letter 2. CV

Communication Business (Task 6) NEGOTIATION

Fani Aristiyanti Putri 13614913 3SA01 1. What is negotiation Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome over one or more issues where a conflict exists with respect to at least one of these issues. This beneficial outcome can be for all of the parties involved, or just for one or some of them. It is aimed to resolve points of difference, to gain advantage for an individual or collective, or to craft outcomes to satisfy various interests. It is often conducted by putting forward a position and making small concessions to achieve an agreement. The degree to which the negotiating parties trust each other to implement the negotiated solution is a major factor in determining whether negotiations are successful. In many cases, negotiation is not a zero-sum game, allowing for cooperation to improve the results of the negotiation. In any disagreement, individuals understandably aim to achieve the best possible outcome for the

You Had Me at Hello Part 2

After that day, she didn’t want to see Jace anymore. And she told to all of her besties about what happened between her and Jace, and they just laughed, said “leave him or catch him”. Maddy thought that she never get his attention again, so she thought over and over and over and over again until she decided to stop adore him. So she swear to herself that she doesn’t deserve for him, she can get another better than him.             “Hey Jace, wattup?” Jace’s friend said.             “Cool like usual, what’s wrong?” Jace said.             “Nope. But something, I have to tell you” Jace’s friend, yeah well, his name is Julian             “What? Just tell me don’t be a sh*t!” Jace said. “Wohooo, calm man, language! So yeah, look, there is a girl that adores you so pretty much, like everybody in her class know that she’s the only one who loves you man!”               “Who…….” Jace asked.             “She is…………” Julian said, and “…..who cares?” Jace continued.             “S


Black Fat And fluffy Guess what? She sleeps on my blanket While I’m in the blanket She runs to my feet While I’m stand on my feet She bites my finger While I’m touch her finger She’s afraid of being alone She’s going to cry when nobody home She will wait on the back at door Until someone knocking at the door And she will lay on someone’s foot Oh dear Oh my dear Stay with me Stay with us Until you’re going to grey and old My lovely, Milo

Mr. Styles, H

Green eyes Always caught by the cameras Every time you see them They always catch you But you never blink, Those beautiful eyes Long hair That not long anymore Where is the long hair? Is it missing? I just want to say, I miss that long hair Beautiful smile You are not a smiley person You just smile to people that you like It is just a simple thing, But you don’t  want to show it And I like it Slicked back, White t-shirt, Pants hipster, Cool sunglasses, Perfect legs, Where are they? I miss them You totally changed But you Never go out of style

You and the Coffee

Dark, wet, very quiet There is no you There is no one In this town, after the rain I’m all alone Black, hot, a little bit bitter I’m sitting on the corner of the room Looking at the window Wish you were there Watching me from a distance Coming to closer And knocking at my door Share a cup of coffee that I’m holding Like we used to And now You are more bitter than the coffee 

#Softskill Komunikasi Bisnis (Individual)

Fani Aristiyanti Putri 13614913 3SA01 1. How technology affects communication positively and negatively? Positively Faster long distance communication: We can always keep in touch with our family or our friend that far away from us. We can share anything we want to share to them. And every time we want to see them we can do video call with them and it's make us feel like we get closer to them. And when we have a good or bad news we can tell them quickly, and they can know what the newest news about us. Social media positive influence: We can spread the world about a news that we want to tell, we can do a business, like we can sell any product that we want to sell, We can make a friend with a stranger from wherever. And for the parents, we can know what our children do and share on their social media. Make transaction easier, like we can pay utility bills or online banking. And we can book a transportation ticket or book a hotel for holiday. Negatively Addicted