
Showing posts from January, 2018

Softskill: Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer Task 4

FANI ARISTIYANTI PUTRI 13614913 4SA01 Choose the INCORRECT answer, then give the CORRECTION and EXPLANATION !   1.    Zoos in New Orleans, San Diego, Detroit, and the Bronx  have become  biological       A parks  where  animals  roams free  and people  watch from  across a moat. B                           C                                 D ANSWER: C. roams free. It should be ROAM FREE EXPLANATION: the subject is "animals", it means plural so we do not need to add 's' after 'roam'   2.  George  has not  completed  the assignment   yet,   and Maria  hasn’t neither       A                                 B              C                             D ANSWER: D. hasn't neither. It should be HASN'T EITHER EXPLANATION: if we wanted to use 'neither' we put it before 'Maria' but if wanted to put word after 'hasn't' it should be 'either'   3.    Hanny enjoyed  to be   able to meet   s