
Showing posts from March, 2017

Softskill Business Communication: Business English Meeting

Fani Aristiyanti Putri 13614913 3SA01 Group: 1. Angie Nadya S 2. Camilla Engradina P 3. Dynda Gianika P 4. Fani Aristiyanti P 5. Surya Agung P ·           The meeting consist of                 Chairing persong = Paul                 Participants          = Anne , David, Maria ·           Paul as the chairing person wants to discuss about a new training program. He ask David about his summary about the program. Paul said that he costume service will be affected by this. Paul asks Anne about the customer service approach and Maria will be the training developer. They work with Market Research Agency over a few weeks to gathered about the costumer.    The result is mix, some customer complains and the company lose costumers because of it. The costumers decided to move to another supplier because the customer call doesn’t serve them well. But , Anne reject about having trouble    to coordinate with other customer call staff and Anne said the new t

Softskill Business Communication: Meeting

Fani Aristiyanti P 13614913 3SA01 What are the purposes of a meeting? Analysis —highly complex situations may require multiple subject matter experts.  Frequently experts have their own vernacular or vocabulary, and a meeting is appropriate to homogenize understanding and agreement.  Have you ever run a meeting with PhD engineers and creative marketing folks together?  Sometimes it sounds like they are from different planets. Assignments —structured meetings or workshops provide an excellent means of building agreement around roles and responsibilities.  When using the FAST technique, you can leave the meeting with a consensually built GANTT chart, estimation of resource requirements, and approximation of budget needs. Decision-Making —since resources typically fall short of the demands, prioritization is critical for high group performance.  No team has the time or resource to do everything.  Consensual understanding around prioritization provides one of the be